Experience the River Region’s largest semi-annual children’s and baby’s pop-up consignment sale. We sell
excellent used condition and pre-loved items at unbeatable prices. There is just about everything and anything for sale related to babies and children. There are toys, furniture, clothing, and lots more.
Below are some helpful tips for making the experience fantastic!
- Bring a waist pack instead of a purse. It’s less to carry and you don’t have to worry about setting your purse down.
- STROLLERS ARE NOT ALLOWED into the sale – We have shopping carts available.
- Inspect your goods before purchase because we have a no- return /no- exchange policy. All items are sold “as is”.
- Bring a list of your child’s measurements and a tape measure.
- Trace your child’s foot on cardboard and bring it to slip into shoes.
- You are responsible for keeping your children with you always. If possible, leave them at home so you can enjoy the consignment sale experience without distraction. Children are not allowed to play with any items at the sale.
- Fast checkout with our bar coding computer system
» Mom’s Marketplace accepts cash, debit and credit cards. NO CHECKS!
» VOLUNTEER with us to shop on our VOLUNTEERS ONLY shopping night. This is before the sale opens to consignors or the public. You get the best of the bargains!
» SELL/CONSIGN with us to shop on our Consignor only shopping night. This night is after the volunteers shop but before we open to the public.

Give to Get
Shoppers who Give donation items at the door Get in a 1/2 hour early. These items will be donated to the River Region Pregnancy Center for local distribution. Suggested donation items to give are:
- new baby wipes
- baby shampoo
- baby lotion
- baby wash
- diapers
- diaper cream
- cash or check
You shop one hour earlier than the general public on opening day!
Our pre-sale-event is our way of saying congratulations! If your first child is 18 months or younger or you are pregnant with your first child, you qualify to shop at this exciting event! With thousands of items from which to shop, you are sure to find everything you will need for your newest addition at a fraction of retail cost!
Here are the important things to remember:
- You must register for this event (See link below)
- Be sure to bring a picture ID to the sale. You may bring your partner or a proud grandparent with you. Unfortunately, your sister-in-law and other friends are not allowed to this special pre-sale-event.
- You may bring your infant. You are required to have 12-18 – month-old children in shopping cart or body carrier while you shop. No strollers are allowed.
- Since this shopping event is limited to new moms whose first child is 18 months or younger, no older children, no step-children and no children you babysit will be allowed. Our goal is to have this be a relaxing and fulfilling 1/2 hour for all new moms to shop.